Our Mission Statment

The mission of Susanna Wesley House, Inc. is to provide transitional housing for homeless women in need and their dependent children; to provide a safe, clean home; and ensure a viable program to assist families to obtain independent living.

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About susanna wesley

Susanna Wesley (January 20, 1669 – July 23, 1742) was a pivotal figure in the development of Methodism as we know it today known as the “Mother of Methodism.” The last of 25 children she raised children to impact the world by teaching them good manners by modeling good manners ourselves. If every mom felt that way about their own children, the world would be different. She believed girls and boys could be educated in the same way and during her time that was remarkable. She was considered a liberated woman and was the mother of John Wesley, the Founder of the Methodist Church, and Charles Wesley most widely known for writing over 6,500 Hymns. Many believe that were it not for her, there would not be a Methodist church.

FOUNDED June 9, 1919 in Baltimore’s Mount Vernon Community

Founded in 1919, the Susanna Wesley House has been serving women in Baltimore for over 100 years after Methodist missionaries opened our doors on June 9, 1919, as a haven for women who moved from rural communities to Baltimore city to look for work or to get an education.